MMA scholarships

For Version 4 (2018-2019), the program has a Fee Grant which consists of a percentage of discount of the fee, for which 3 possibilities have been stated: 10%, 20%, or 30% discount.

The criteria for deciding the scholarship section is as follows:
  1. UCTemuco graduates automatically receive a 10% discount.
  2. Average of undergraduate grades, without considering the degree activity.
  3. Professional curricular merits.
  4. Scientific curricular merits.
Exceptionally, the Postgraduate Academic Committee may authorize a scholarship percentage greater than 30%.

Teaching Scholarships

The Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences offers a place in its plant for fees for students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics, which is subject, according to the requirements of the Unit, to the teaching experience of the applicant, and to the evaluation of the Director of the Unit. This preferential quota is called Teaching Scholarship.
The assignment, or not, will be an exclusive attribution of the Director of the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

ANID scholarships

The Master of Science in Applied Mathematics is accredited for 4 years (2018-2022) by the National Accreditation Commission (CNA-Chile), enabling our students to apply for competitive funds such as the National Master’s Scholarship, and similar, which year by year are summoned by the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID). We strongly encourage you to keep on checking the following link for future calls:
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